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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Proposal
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The uninsured and under-insured population

Research Proposal Instructions:

The US health care system has numerous known issues that affect the overall quality, access and cost of service available. Create a proposal on the solution of the issue “the uninsured and under-insured population”. Describe the nature of the issue, trace the history of its development, describe what has and has not been done to address it thus far. Provided a set of recommendations on what should be done to address it in the future, and discuss how major stakeholders should be involved to make your proposed changes. Address the proposal in sections below: International context: Compare and contrast this problem in the U.S. to that of other countries. How does this issue in the U.S. compare to other countries? Is the issue more common here or in other countries and why? Stakeholders: describe the role of major stakeholders in the problem. How have federal and state governments and the health care industry worked to address this issue so far? What have been the successes and failures of their attempts? Policy: Provided examples of how the P.P.A.C.A. and other federal policies have attempted to address this issue. What has been the impact of their action or non-action? Recommendations: Provided a set of recommendations on what should be done to address this issue in the future. What should the major stakeholders, such as the government, the health care industry, and health care consumers do to implement these recommendations and how? Provide a justification for why you believe each recommendation will address one or more of the problems related to this issue.

Research Proposal Sample Content Preview:

The uninsured and the under-insured population
The uninsured and the under-insured population
A larger population can comprehend the word "uninsured", not as many would understand what "underinsured" means. Hence, this term would mean that to some extent people have health insurance, but, lack the financial security expected to cover out-of-pocket medical care bills. An approximated 35 percent of grown-ups in the United States are underinsured or uninsured. With similar rates of financial obligations, the population of both under- or uninsured has grown tremendously CITATION Coh13 \l 1033 (Cohen, 2013). This being reflected predominantly in the referral hospitals, community health centers, and other government affiliated health facilities where care for medically indigent patients has decreased.
Therefore, to understand the context of underinsured, they are people who have insurance all year but are characterized by:
* Medical expenses that supersede 10 percent of annual income
* A yearly income that is 200 percent of the benchmark set by the federal government poverty level and medical costs that surpass 5 percent of annual income.
* Health plan outflow that is equivalent to 5 percent of annual income
The above as compared to the passably insured adults, the underinsured have insufficient access to medical care related to the uninsured. The recent study indicating that, more than 16 million of people between the age of 19 and 64 were underinsured in 2003, in addition, approximately 45 million people who were likely to be uninsured CITATION Sus13 \l 1033 (Susan, 2013). These factors contributed to continuously increasing number of the uninsured and the underinsured in the United States.
Reason behind underinsured and uninsured
Many factors are associated with the growing population of uninsured and underinsured; some of them would be: Welfare-reform initiatives, have limited the abilit...
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