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1 page/≈275 words
1 Source
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.18

Ethical Legal Issues (Research Paper)

Research Paper Instructions:

1.Discuss the ethical and legal issues that the Nursing Professional Development Specialist may encounter, issues you may have observed or experienced in your role as staff or as a nursing professional development educator. 2.Discuss strategies for addressing these challenges and issues can choose any topic in the nursing professional development educator. Read: Brandt, J.A., Edwards, D.R., Cox-Sullivan, S., & Zehler, J.K. (2012). Empowering staff nurses unit level shared governance. VIEW Resources Copyright: http://www(dot)copyright(dot)gov http://www(dot)umuc(dot)edu/library/libhow/copyright.cfm http://www(dot)copyright(dot)gov/circs/circ21.pdf http://copyright(dot)lib(dot)utexas(dot)edu/teachact.html http://www(dot)halldavidson(dot)net/chartshort.html http://researchguides(dot)library(dot)tufts(dot)edu/copyright http://lsinfo(dot)byu(dot)edu/student-copyright-decision-video-tutorial?destination=node%2F55 http://librarycopyright(dot)net/resources/exemptions/ Shared Governance: http://fpb(dot)case(dot)edu/news/Docs/Fitzpatrick_QuinnGriffin_NursAdminQ2011.pdf Empowering Staff Nurses trough Unit-Level Shared Governance.pdfPreview the document  

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Legal and Ethical Issues
Copyright laws are important in the development of the nursing profession. The copyright laws work to ensure that new literature is advanced in the field and extensive discussions are conducted on the existing literature in order to improve or dispute the claims in them (Brandt et al. 2012). Therefore, copyright laws are instrumental in the development of the nursing profession in order to come up with new approaches and methods to solve problems encountered in the field. This paper, therefore, seeks to discuss copyright laws as concerning the profession of nursing and specifically on the issue of plagiarism in the nursing education.
Plagiarism in the education of nursing students and indeed in the professional field of nursing is detrimental to the practice. Plagiarism acts contrary to advancing nursing knowledge beyond what is alread...
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