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3 pages/≈825 words
2 Sources
Literature & Language
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English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.8

Orientalism by Edward Said and The Songlines by Bruce Chatwin

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

1. You will share and teach something from a text we have read in the class. You will quote directly from something that you read, and similar to your reading responses, you will explain to the recipient of the letter what the author meant when they said that, why they said it, etc.

2. You will connect this idea to an observation you have made or experience you have had. This might be about something happening inthe world around you,something in the news, or something in your own personal experience that is related to the idea you shared from the text.

3. you will explain why this matters to you, and why you want it to matter to the recipient of the letter.

The letter should be about 3 pages double spaced and typed,and should be uploaded in the assignments tab I will create for it.

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:

Letter to a Friend
Student Name
Professor Name
Due Date
Dear [Friend's Name],
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. In recent weeks, I have been engrossed in captivating books for one of my classes and a few intriguing ideas have crossed my mind hence I eagerly want to share them. Specifically, I have been delving into "Orientalism" by Edward Said and "The Songlines" by Bruce Chatwin, and these texts have granted me fresh perspectives and novel ideas.
Lessons from the Readings
In our class, we have been exploring the concept of Orientalism outlined by Edward Said in his book "Orientalism." Said argues that Orientalism is not merely a scholarly field but a cultural construct (Said, 1978). He explains how it's a way in which the West constructed an image of the "Orient" that perpetuated stereotypes and maintained Western cultural and political dominance over the East. One key idea from Said is the notion of the "Orient" as the "Other," a mysterious and exotic realm that established Western superiority. This concept highlights how the West has historically defined itself in opposition to the East. Simultaneously, I have been engaged with "The Songlines" by Bruce Chatwin, a captivating exploration of the Australian Aboriginal culture and their spiritual connection to the land through songlines. In this book, Chatwin embarks on an exploration of the oral traditions of the Aboriginal people. He unveils the multifaceted role of these traditions, demonstrating that 

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