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Asian American Culture: Differences Between Urban Areas & Rural Areas

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

1. You will write a three to three and a half-page double-spaced detailed definition description essay about a single complex US cultural topic of your interest.

2. Your essay must have a thesis statement and plenty of support for its thesis. Your thesis may vary depending on the type of topic you choose, but keep in mind that the objective of this thesis is to explain the cultural topic you chose.

3. A Definition - Description essay follows a specific structure. After giving a concise definition of the topic (in the introduction paragraph), you will describe its most important characteristics (in the body paragraphs). Depending on the topic you chose, you may be able to find its definition in a dictionary. However, if your topic is more complex, you may need to use other sources to define or explain it.

4. You should NOT rely on one source only, but instead, you should research other sources for more diverse and comprehensive perspectives. One source of information should be the personal experience with the topic. This means that while writing about these specific characteristics, you will be able to include information you have found in other sources, interviews you have conducted, information from informal conversations you may have had, and personal experiences you have had regarding your cultural topic.

5. Use MLA formatting for this essay. You will learn how to include research in your essay without plagiarizing.

6. You will NOT judge this cultural topic, you will NOT claim that it is right or wrong, and you will NOT compare it to a similar cultural topic in your country. This is NOT an argumentative essay. You WILL define and explain how you perceive this US cultural aspect through your experiences and research.

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
Name Course Tutor Date Asian American Culture The Asian American population in the US grew two-fold in 1970 to 1990 and is expected to double between 1990 and 2020. Today, there are approximately 12.5 million Asian Americans, majority of whom are in college (Kiang). The large Asian American population in the USA is explained in different ways, which include hyper-selectivity through immigration law and hypo-selectivity, where the majority of the people who arrived through this structure were refugees (Kiang). The population is a representation of more than thirty Asian ethnicities which includes Tongan, Lao, Hmong, Cambodian, Thai, Guamanian, Mien, and Vietnamese (Kiang). While they all may appear similar in complexion, they are culturally diverse with biracial and multiracial marriages. Further, the complexity is informed by ethnic diversity among the Asian population and adaptation of different cultural practices. The term “Asian American” is coined as an attempt to move from the previous terminology, “Oriental,” which was considered politically insensitive. “Oriental” stems from “Orient,” which came from the Asian colonial experiences. Additionally, the term “oriental” carries a connotation of western colonial artifacts in Asia such as spices, rugs, and ancient apparel rather than the people (Filipino American National Historical Society). The history of the cultural connotation has been propelled by the representation of the Asian culture on media in ways that do not establish the essence of the different practices or reflect the ideal life of Asian backgrounds. While some of the reflection may stem from some Asian history, the depiction fails to capture the context of the cultural practice or its essence. There are significant dialectical differences which stem from the different nationalities of the Asian immigrants, religion, educational background, political affiliations, class backgrounds, and essentially their ethnic identity. The dialect of the Asian American is defined by their nationality. The national languages of their countries bear significant influence on the people’s dialect, thus Asians from China and Japan need to use English in order to communicate (Kiang). The diverse ethnicities that make up the Asian population also explain the diversity in language. The Asian-American background in their home country also contributes to this diversity. People from the urban areas speak differently from their counterparts in the rural areas. Those from the urban areas may speak less of their ethnic language compared to those from the rural areas. The social status influences the dialect of the entities. Asians who come from economically endowed families are likely to be well educated, thus they may not be eloquent in their ethnic language...
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