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Resolving Ideological Conflict ( Unit 5). Arguments for Restrictions

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The assignment is in the document entitled “Unit 5 Position Paper Assignment” and highlighted in the yellow section of this document. Attached are the documents to be used to help write a position paper with an excellent rating from the rubric. Please use the color-coding sampling from “How to use Rubric” within the position paper. Supporting arguments must be in every paragraph. All citations are APA Style. All the assignment tips mentioned in the blue highlighted section of the “Unit 5 Position Paper Assignment” have also been attached to this order.
Please write a position paper from the following source : No country should seek to extend its policy over any other country or people; rather, every country should be left free to pursue its own goals. Every country should be unrestricted , secure, and confident in pursuing these goals, regardless of the country’s size and strength.
The position paper must answer this question: “To what extent should we embrace the ideological perspectives(s) reflected?”

I need at least 7-10 sources


Unit 5 Assignment - diploma style Assignment II Position Paper
Analyze the following source and complete the Position Paper assignment below.Source
No country should seek to extend its policy over any other country or people; rather, every country should be lett free to pursue its own goals. Every country should be unrestricted, secure, and confident in pursuing these goals, regardless of the country's size or strength.Assignment - Answer this question:
To what extent should we embrace the ideological perspective(s) reflected in the source?
Instructions - Write an essay in which you must:
analyze the source to demonstrate an understanding of the ideological perspective(s) reflected In the source
establish and argue a position m response to the question presented
support your position and arguments by using evidence from your knowledge and understanding of social studies
Submit your completed Position paper to the unit 5 Assignments dropbox.
This assignment will be assessed based on this diploma exam rubric. Plus citations! «Note the additions to the rubnc below for all written assignments in the course.
"Additions to the standard Diploma Rubrics for written Assignments in the course
Communication: Half of the Communication mark will apply to citing sources for all wntten assignments in this course (this is not indicated on the diploma rubnc above because you do not have to do this in the diploma exam. But you are expected to demonstrate this skill in course assignments (see the Alberta Program of Studies). So 1/4 marks for including citations; 1/2 marks if they are in correct APA format. The remaining Communication marks will apply the existing cntena in the diploma rubnc above (eg. use of specialized vocabulary, writing style, grammar, etc.)-
Research: Clearly, in a diploma exam you will not have access to resources to conduct research in that timed setting, so the diploma exam is unable to assess research skills. In the diploma exam, you will rely only on what learning you retained from the course and from your research for assignments. In the course assignments, you are expected to conduct research beyond what you read about in the course content and textbook. Therefore, 'support* in the rubnc for wntten assignments will be more ngourous than what we see in the diploma exam Samples of Student Wnting. You can get much more specific with examples/evidence to support your arguments because you have the opportunity to conduct research for class assignments.
See Assignment Tips below to maximize your result.Assignment Tips and Help
Here's a general formula to follow for defending a position in all your wntten work:
Analyze the ideological perspective of the source
State your Opinion/Position
2-3 Arguments to defend your opinion
Evidence/Examples to support your arguments (take the time to explain how they do that!)
All while making strong connections to librealism and the terms and concepts explored in the course.
Before you begin, read/review the following pages in the Student Tools section of content to understand the skills expectations for your wntten work and how you will be evaluated:• Supporting Arguments
Citing Sources
Samples of Student writing (for Assignment II Position paper examples, scroll about halfway down the document provided). View the Excellent and Satisfactory wnting samples to get a sense of expectations.
Download/open and use these helpful position paper writing guides and tools:
Position paper Outline
Position Paper Tips
Position Paper Checklist
Examples of Position Paper Paragraphs - Economic
Examples of Position Paper Paragraphs - Political

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Resolving Ideological Conflict (Unit 5)
The statement, “no country should seek to extend its policy over any the other country or people; rather, every country should be left free to pursue its own goals. Every country should be unrestricted, secure, and confident in pursuing these goals, regardless of the country’s size or strength” presents an ideological perspective of liberalism. However, this statement requires clarifications as well as qualifications of broad generalizations. A nation has sovereignty (right of self-determination) to follow its goals domestically but should anticipate international restrictions if it does not adhered to United Nations principles on International associations (aggression) as well as human rights. Therefore, I do not think countries should be liberal if they do not adhere to UN’s principles on international relations (aggression) as well as human rights.
Arguments for Restrictions
Restrictions have been an instrument of economic and political statecraft for many years. Following the 5th century BC, Pericles of Athens felt threatened by states that had supported its enemy, Sparta. He banned all trade between Athens and Megra state to punish them for challenging his authority. But this sanctions led to a 30 year war since Megra claimed to be a liberal state that would choose who support (Thucydides, 1972).
Throughout the 20th century, restrictions were uncommonly utilized. However, Cold War saw the US and the Soviet Union compete against each other through cooperation with corrupt governments. This policy made restrictions useful in attempting to maintain liberal nations. But, associations among the US and the Soviet Union were motivated by a complicated interplay of economic, political and ideological factors which caused changes among cautious cooperation and always bitter superpower enmity following years. The unique distinctions in the political systems of the two powers always prevented them from realizing a mutual comprehension on primary policy issues. The US was hostile to the Soviet Union for removing Russia from WWI and opposed its communism ideology. Though the US started a famine relief program, the nations did not end their hostility until 1933. By this time, Stalin’s government was an insurmountable challenge to friendly associations. Though the two came together to create an alliance to defeat Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union’s anti-liberal policy towards Eat Europe had established tensions. Further, the Cuban missile crisis almost drove the US and Soviet Union into war. Like the US, Cuba domestically free to design their missiles but the two nations interfered with UN principles on international relations whereby they both felt threatened of the other. In 1962, Cuba felt threatened by US’s leading position on missiles and Nikita Khrushchev developed a similar scheme to protect Cuba from another US promoted invasion like the failed trial at the Bay of Pigs that occurred in 1961. Following Fidel Castro's consent, the Soviet Union and secretly installed missiles in Cuba. President John Kennedy became aware of these developments a...
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