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Cultural Comparison Between China and the US

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Doing business in a foreign country can be fraught with pitfalls, from culturally inappropriate hugging to accidental obscene hand gestures. By researching and understanding the culture of a foreign country, you can better prepare yourself and your team to avoid mistakes and leverage cultural protocols to your advantage.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your knowledge of cultural competence from this week’s module resources to compare the culture of the United States with the culture of the country you chose in Milestone One. You will show how doing business can be very different from one country to another.
Use the Module Two Assignment template located in the Guidelines for Submission section to create a cultural comparison guide between the country you selected for your course project and the United States. In Part One of the template, you will identify common information about both countries, including their cultural backgrounds and business etiquettes. In Part Two of the template, you will identify the six dimensions in the Hofstede model of national culture for both countries. In Part Three of the template, you will draw conclusions on how doing business in the country you selected will differ from doing business in the United States and tips for individuals doing business in your selected country.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Basic Country Facts: Identify government types, languages, and religions for both countries.
Business Etiquette: Identify common business etiquette in both countries (e.g., common greetings, differences in communication toward men and women, negotiating styles, and acceptable business attire).
Tips for Doing Business: Identify three tips you would give to individuals doing business in the non-U.S. country you selected. Tips could be about behaviors to avoid (e.g., items as innocent as posture or body language or attitudes regarding punctuality or approaches to business).
Cultural Dimensions: Identify and examine the six dimensions in the Hofstede model of national culture for both countries.
Conclusions: Conclude how doing business in your new country will differ from doing business in the United States.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit your completed Module Two Assignment Template as a Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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INT 220 Module Two Assignment Template
Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.
Part One: Common Information for Each Country Information United States China Government Type Federal government. Authoritarian government. Commonly Spoken Languages English and Spanish. Mandarin. Commonly Practiced Religions Christianity. Buddhism. How to Greet Men and Women Hugging Hello General Negotiating Styles Don’t focus on socialization, but they keep work and individual life separate. Prefer first building good relationships and trust through socialization.Accept Business Attire Yes Yes
Identify three tips for doing business in the non-U.S. country you selected for your project.Building strong relationships and trust with the Chinese people is one of the business tips. In this regard, the business operator can achieve good relationships through learning and socializing with local people to understand their culture and leverage the opportunity to establish a business. Accordingly, business operators can take advantage of Buddhism, which is anchored on the idea that earth, heaven, and human beings are unified systems to cultivate effective management systems. Chinese who are deeply rooted in the Buddhism idea of teamwork will support the individual’s new business by buying and bringing innovative ideas to thrive and attain high profits (Lon & Lei, 2022). Moreover, the authoritarian government in China is another tip for doing business as it tends to motivate investors and consumers through directing and formulating clear principles that foster business operations.Part Two: Hofstede Model of National CultureFor each of the six cultural dimensions in Hofstede’s model of national culture, list the score for both countries and then draw conclusions based on the differences in scores between the two countries. To find the scores, use this tool: Hofstede Insights: Compare Countries. When you select both countries, the tool will give you the scores. You should also select the option to read more about your selected countries to learn about the implications of those scores.
Cultural Dimension United States ChinaPower Distance Index (PDI) 40 80Individualism Versus Collectivism (IDV) 91 20Masculinity Versus Femininity (MAS) 62 66Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) 46 30Long-Term Orientation Versus Short-Term Normative Orientation (LTO) 26 87Indulgence Versus Restraint (IVR) 68 20
Part Three: ConclusionsDraw conclusions on how doing business in the country you selected will differ from doing business in the United States• Identify any significant differences in scores between the two countries. The US has a power index distance score of 40, meaning fewer restrictions and cultural freedom when doing business in the country. Critically, the US will be the best country to opera...
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