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Understanding and Managing Diversity: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

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Outline lists the main topics the project will cover and incorporates project guidelines and primary and secondary dimensions of diversity; outline is clearly written and well organized.

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Understanding and managing diversity: The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Title of the Paper
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DeVry University
Title Page
Title: Understanding and managing diversity: The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
This section will introduce the topic covered in the report and articulate what the report encompasses. The selected organization whose website has diversity-related material is The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The report will assess how accessible diversity-related material is on the website of this selected organization. The report will also evaluate the usefulness of the diversity information to the organization’s stakeholders, the appropriateness of the graphic material and photographs which relate to diversity, and highlight any diversity awards listed on the website.
Accessibility of diversity-related material
Diversity of the workforce could greatly benefit an organization by bringing about positive work outcomes when the organization values and appreciates diverse employees and treats each of them equally and fairly (Phillips, 2014; Woodward, Vongswasdi & More, 2015).
This section will reveal that the website of this healthcare organization has a direct link from the home page. The link is titled Employee Diversity and Inclusion and when the site visitor clicks on it, he or she is redirected to the webpage with the same title. On this webpage – Employee Diversity and Inclusion webpage –, it is stated that their differences are what actually makes this hospital unique (The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2015). The main subsections here would be the following:
Direct link
Search results
Primary dimensions
Secondary dimensions
Usefulness of the diversity information
Here, the usefulness of the diversity information to the organization’s potential suppliers, clients/patients, and staff members would be evaluated exhaustively. The report will state that the diversity material on this webpage is related to the hospital’s business case for mission, core values and diversity. The main subsections in this section will include:
Potential employees
Potential customers
Potential suppliers
Relationship to values and mission
Timeliness of information
Appropriateness of the photographs and graphic material
This section will highlight that the diversity webpage of this healthcare organization has pictures of male...
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