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The Ban of Transgender Persons from Serving in the U.S. Military

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In 1994, the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) DSM-IV removed “transsexualism” as a diagnosis and in June 2015 the American Medical Association (AMA) reported that there is no valid medical reason to ban transgender persons from serving in the U.S. military. In 2016, the U.S. military decided to end its ban on transgender individuals serving. According to a report released by San Francisco State University in 2015, it is estimated that about 15,450 transgender personnel serve in the military, the National Guard, or the Reserve. For this journal assignment, please watch this short video and write a two to three page reflection paper that addresses the points below. You may also want to review the articles listed under “Recommended Resources” at the beginning of Week 4 in this course guide to help you complete this journal assignment.
Based on the resources you reviewed (i.e. not your personal opinion), what are the arguments made by people who think that theban on transgender individuals serving in the military should have been maintained? What are the arguments made by people who supported the repeal of the ban?
According to the video, how are sex and gender distinct from one another? How is sexuality related to this discussion (or is it?)?
The military is considered a hyper-masculine, yet very close knit,environment. What about this might be particularly appealing to transgender men (i.e., individuals who were born with female anatomy but identify as male)? To transgender women (i.e., people who were born with male anatomy but identify as female)?

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Topic: Week 4 Journal
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Topic: Week 4 Journal
Question 1
People who think that the ban on transgender individuals serving in the military should have been maintained supposed that it is highly costly because of associated medical expenses. The perception derives from observing that transgender persons exhibit symptoms associated with gender dysphoria (Zurcher, 2019). The common symptoms associated with the condition include intense anxiety and depression. According to Zurcher (2019), it leads to “tremendous costs and disruption.” Accordingly, there is a need for transgender soldiers to engage in chains of counseling and psychiatric therapy, which increases military spending. Moreover, those advocating for the ban of transgender in the military supposes that gender dysphoria is not suitable for high-pressure situations such as those involving warfare since it would result in high casualty and mortality costs.
Question 2
People repealing the ban on transgender persons in the military assert that willingness to serve a nation is the foundation for deciding those who quality to join the United States Defense Forces. Accordingly, the fact that the military accepts males and females renders it appropriate to recruit transgender individuals because they exhibit either or both of the gender identities and sexual orientation. As such, the posed argument for recruitment of transgender people is that the recruiters should train the individuals to serve "in their biological sex” (Zurcher, 2019). Arguably, the purpose for focusing on their biologicals sex is to keep the soldiers' sexual orientation and gender identity confidential to evade the highly susceptible stigmatization, victimization, and discrimination by their colleagues. Withal, the factor that matters the most is the willingness of people to sacrifice for their nation and government.
Question 3
According to the video, sex depends on the type of genitalia that an individual poss...
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