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Qualitative Research Article

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

1. Find a qualitative research article. The article should be published in a nursing journal with the last 5 years. The article should not include quantitative or mixed methods. Selecting the right article is imperative as it will be part of your grade.
2. Review the article thoroughly while reflecting on your reading from Polit and Beck (2017).
3. Complete the Qualitative Journal Club Template in a Word document.
At the top of the template provide an APA 7th edition citation for the article.
Follow the APA citation with a brief review of the purpose of the article: i.e., between 2 and 4 sentences.
4. Answer all of the questions on the template.
Please use subheadings and write it as a regular paper (Do not put the rectangular line of the template, just answer all the questions).
I attach the template for you.

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:

Qualitative Article Critique
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Due Date
Article Citation: Roekel, J.S., Weggelaar-Jansen, A. M. J., Hilders, C. C., De Bont, A. A., & Wallenburg, I. (2021). Nurses in the lead: a qualitative study on the development of distinct nursing roles in daily nursing practice. BMC Nursing, 20, 1-11.
Purpose of Study: The article examines nursing responsibilities' differentiations formulation between various educational thresholds within the professional growth framework entailing experimental measures and appraisal.
Research Design
The researchers employed an ethnographic case study design appropriate for investigating the research topic. The research topic focuses on nursing leadership and incorporates a qualitative investigation into developing diverse nursing roles within routine clinical practice. This design is appropriate for the topic because it is typically employed in nursing research to evaluate professional practice changes (Roekel et al., 2021). I know this because, according to Caulfield (2020), ethnography is a sound research design when seeking to obtain first-hand information concerning the power relations and behaviors of people (i.e., nurses) in a particular setting (i.e., healthcare organization).
Sample Selection
In order to investigate the responsibility differentiations in routine nursing practice, the project team and healthcare facility leadership used a convenient yet representative sample of facility wards. Two general (surgery and neurology), as well as distinct specific care (pneumatology and oncology) hospital units, were chosen because they represented distinct nursing teams' configurations. A sample of four wards was chosen to conduct the study, which was adequate given the study's scope. The sample size meets the criteria for participants' selection based on the qualitative study scope, purpose, and the methodological rationale (Subedi, 2021).
Data Collection Methods
Data collection entailed qualitative research methods (a) shadowing on-shift nurses, (b) observation and engagement in four meetings setup, (c) semi-structured interviews, and (d) the culmination of the fieldwork period (Roekel et al., 2021). These collection procedures were seamless, thus augmenting the credibility and validity of the outcome. No other approach could have been employed because these steps constitu...
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