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Discussion Response: Perspectives on Intersex

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i am the responder of this week And i need to response for other students and i put the things that need to do and the question also others response in one file

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Discussion Response
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September 24, 2020
Although some of the responses to the discussion questions did not fully answer each and every question provided, an overview of the responses would show that sufficient discussion was provided by the authors. Particularly, it seems that both Khosla and Okeibunor have agreed that the main difference between the two perspectives about intersex is how they relate to the norms of society. On the one hand, the belief about intersex as a disease looks at this occurrence as an ‘aberration’ from a person’s normal physique. On the other hand, the perspective that intersex is just “another way for a person to be” normalizes the occurrence as something that occurs by nature.
Accordingly, this idea about the ‘normalization’ of intersex (or lack of) is also the reason why most individuals who experience the same feeling that it is a di...
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