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10 pages/≈2750 words
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Business & Marketing
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English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Mezzan Holding: Principal Activities and Financial Performance Review

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

The assignment is part Calculation and a major part in writing the report using the calculation ... please see the instructions provided as there are no set pages required ... if the assignment requires more than requested in the order (I Accept Extra Charges)
Provided is the class notes, assignment instructions, and the grading rubric.
 I selected Mezzan

14- Identify and clarify proposed acquisition fund mechanism.

15-  State the investment purpose and how the value will be created.

16- Suggest an exit plan

Supplementary Data & Research:

Towards preparing the delverables,each student is expected t oobtain additionaland supplementary information from all  possible sources.


Final Report

Student will prepare a Report contains the mentioned requirements in Word/PDF format.


Students will prepare and deliver the Excel Financial Model used in the case

From the client
There’re calculations should be done on excel like forecasting the financial statements ( income statement , balance sheet and free cash flow). A proper valuation should be done using all the calculations that mentioned in the course materials ( DDM, DCF, Multiples) along with comment on each valuation and the added value to the market. And even if the company doesn’t need restructuring plan you should type one in details. And more details should be mentioned in offering to acquire a stake in the company price as well should be mentioned. And the due diligence process is not right ! It is not required to write my opinion whether due diligence is important or not the whole due diligence process and steps should be done according course materials. Kindly read the course materials i sent and based on it re solve the whole assignment starting from point no. 5 till point 16

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Mezzan Holding: Investment Banking Paper
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Due Date
Established in the 1940s and later reconstituted in 1999 within the existing holding framework, Mezzan Holding currently maintains a registered capital of KWD 31.13 million. Mezzan Holding has established a comprehensive operational presence across the Middle East region. Along with agency brands, notable legacy brands encompassing Al Wazzan, KITCO, Khazan, and KSPICO have garnered considerable brand recognition, fostered patronage, secured extensive market infiltration, and achieved broad market coverage. As a vertically integrated entity, Mezzan Holding engages in multifaceted business activities spanning manufacturing, distribution, retail, wholesale, and contract services. Underpinning its operations are two primary business divisions: the Food Business Line and the Healthcare & Consumer Business Line. Each division contributes to the company's overall revenue and net profit through a network of 30 vertically integrated enterprises.
Principal Activities
Engaging in various pivotal activities, Mezzan owns stakes and shares in Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti enterprises. It extends its involvement to encompass holdings in Kuwaiti or non-Kuwaiti limited liability entities, actively contributing to their establishment, management, and financial support. Additionally, Mezzan assumes the role of a guarantor for these entities. The company further extends financial assistance to entities holding shares and provides third-party guarantees when Mezzan's ownership stake exceeds 20% of the borrowing company's capital (Mezzan Holding Co., 2023a). Moreover, Mezzan's endeavors encompass the ownership of industrial assets, including patents, industrial trademarks, royalties, and related rights. These valuable assets are either franchised to other entities or utilized within and beyond Kuwait's borders. In alignment with legal parameters, Mezzan also owns real estate and movable assets to facilitate its operations.
Financial Performance Review
2021, Q3
The Q3 of 2021 witnessed a reduction of 4.8% in revenue, totaling KD 57.2 million; however, there was a commendable growth of 6.9% in net profit for parent company shareholders, amounting to KD 2.3 million. Over the year, revenue aggregated to KD 191.2 million, indicative of a 1.6% contraction. Alongside this, respective declines of 11.1% and 8.4% in operating profit and EBITDA. Noteworthy was the 7.2% decrease in net profit for parent company shareholders, settling at KD 9.5 million over the nine months (Market Screener, 2023). Despite industry-specific challenges, Mezzan Holding exhibited a remarkable capacity for adaptation and an unwavering commitment to enhancing well-recognized brands, yielding promising outcomes. These results, characterized by revenue exceeding 2019, underscore the strategic focus on long-term growth in tandem with addressing dynamic market conditions and elevating consumer experiences across diverse markets and business segments.
2022, Q2
Mezzan Holding, a prominent Gulf-based manufacturer and distributor of food, beverage, FMCG, and pharmaceutical products, has unveiled its H1 2022 financial results. The first half of...
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