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Movie Review: Boy In The Striped Pajamas. History Movie Review

Movie Review Instructions:

The movie is boy in the striped pajamas, the first paragraph is a summary of the movie but the rest of the paper is an opinion about the movie. Thanks!

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The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a 2008 film that was directed by Mark Herman and produced by David Heyman. The film’s focus is a friendship of two boys who had no idea of the animosity and sad state of the status quo. Bruno and his family live in Berlin and this is during the Second World War. Bruno’s father, Ralf learns of his promotion and gathers his family and they all leave for the country. Their new place of residence is quite boring in the eyes of Bruno because he does not have anyone to play with. One thing, however, appears peculiar in the eyes of Bruno when he sees people “working in what he believed to be a farm.” Unbeknownst to him, the farm is a concentration camp where Jews are being held. It had been made clear to him that he was not to go anywhere near that ‘farm’ but Bruno did manage to sneak out of their home and made his way to the concentration camp. Upon arriving at this camp, Bruno befriends a young boy who is about his age named Shmuel. As the film continues, it becomes evident that the young boys are not aware of the true nature of who they are and where they are. Bruno, for example, believes that Shmuel is wearing pajamas and Shmuel believes his grandparents died when they were on a journey to the camp. In spite of their current situation, the two boys become friends and one day, Bruno runs away from home and goes to help Shmuel ...
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