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Violent video games

Essay Instructions:
MLA. Argument essay. no one word transitions, 70% my argument 30% other side (contradiction). My argument is : Violent video games do not contribute to criminal activity. I need a one page introduction, thank you. first page should be the introduction
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: Violent video games and Violence The interaction between video games, violence and criminal activity has been a major source of heated debate among scholars and the public at large. Since the introduction of violent video games, social scientists and psychologists have conducted numerous studies in an attempt to determine whether video games have any effect on behavior. While some of these studies purport to have established that a connection exists between video games and violent behavior, other studies have rubbished these claims. The disparity in these scientific findings coupled with increased relevancy of the issue in the modern day society, has led to an even more intense public debate on the contributions of video games to criminality. As video games being released into the market become bloodier and more realistic, their popularity among youngsters across the globe continues to grow. Consequently, the public readily attributes incidences of violence and criminality involving youngsters to increased exposure to video game violence especially when it is established that the perpetrator is an avid fan of violent video games. Nonetheless, some scholars still maintain that no clear connection exists between violent video games and criminality. These scholars posit that violent video games alone are incapable of contributing to violent behavior and hence, violent gaming is only likely to affect behavior if the player has a mental condition. In contrast, a significant number of scholars are convinced that violent gaming contributes to criminality; where they cite numerous incidences of brutality and mass shooting involving people with a history of violent gaming CITATION Eri13 \l 1033 (Huey). Based on this background, it will be argued that violent video games do not contribute to criminal activity. Just like other mass media entertainment varieties, violent video games have aroused intense concerns with ...
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