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Cell phone concerns

Essay Instructions:
The essay is really good but the teacher asked me for expansion that (first the cell phones use radioactive rays which are very harmful to human beings) specially radioactive just add to it also she need an opinion please do not forget the opinion please its really important thanks
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Due to the rapidly increasing number of mobile phone users which is now approximated at over 6 billion users worldwide, a lot of concerns have emerged following the fear that mobile phones and other cellular handsets may possibly cause health problems including cancer, brain tumors such as glioma and meningioma. This is because cell phones emit radiations known as electromagnetic radiations in the microwave range which are directly absorbed into the skin through the parts around the ear while the user is making a phone call.
However, the recent research and studies that have been carried out reveal that there are no real health dangers that directly result from the continuous use of cellphones, whether short term or long term. In fact, the 13 nation INTERPHONE project which is so far the biggest study that has been done to determine the link between brain cancer and cell phones concluded that there are no known risks at all that can be associated with prolonged use of cell phones in adults. Nevertheless, it asserted in its recommendations that the concerned parties about possible health risks should reduce the calling time and only make voice calls in places with high level of reception as well as preferring texts to calls where possible both for children and for adults.
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