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1 page/≈275 words
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Literature & Language
English (U.K.)
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English: short composition

Essay Instructions:
I Writing Write a short composition of about 250 words on one of the subjects below. a) Obesity is an increasing problem in today's society. A fast world demands fast food. Write a short essay on eating habits of the 21st century and what can be done to initialize a change for the better. Title: Eating Habits Today – a Growing Health Problem b) Today's world is not only a world of fast food, but a world that seems to demand constant changes in appearance, in social life and in work situations. Why is this so? Write a brief analysis of today's fast changing society. Do you think we should create a better world for ourselves by slowing down? How? Title: Change Our Way of Life – Should We or Shouldn't We?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Eating Habits Today: A Growing Health Problem
Eating habits refers the eating patterns of individuals. It involves how and why people eat and type of foods they eat. Eating habits are influenced by various factors including self, social, cultural environment. The lifestyle in the 21st Century is coupled with numerous changes which tend to favour, only, the dynamic and flexible characters. However, we should not neglect our health by running for fast foods (Kittler et al, 1998).
Research has revealed that fast foods contain an Excitotoxin, Monosodium glutamate which stimulates neurons in the human brain resulting to their damage or death. The region of the brain affected is the Hypothalamus leading to abnormalities like Obesity and impaired growth. Obesity is a serious case due to its associated dangers such as severe heart diseases, diabetes and other health prob...
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