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Fear and anger

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Fear and anger
For many years, people have always exhibited different behaviors and reactions whenever they are faced by an issue that needs their immediate response. In the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, an article by Lerner & Keltner (2001), they did a research that looked at how people respond when they are angry and when they are fearful. From the finding in this article, there exists big disparity on how people behave when subjected under the two mentioned scenarios.
In the first instance, the way people behave when they have fear, in relation to taking risks was analyzed. The respondents were given questionnaire to fill with their baseline response being established prior to the analysis. It was found out that, people who had high levels of fears had responded by exhibiting behaviour that was aversive to indulging in risky activities by avoiding taking risks. Further, no significance difference was observed between men and women and it was therefore concluded that across the gender, they exhibited same response.
Further research was done to determine whether anger influence the probability of individuals/respondents to engage in risky activities. To establish this hypothesis, the subjects were subjected to anger provoking events. The outcomes, as contrasted with those who had fear, expressed optimistic in overcoming the challenges presented to them. These findings corresponded well with those people who were presented with happy moments. It emerged that, both angry and happy subjects were optimistic in overcoming their misery.
In these regard, it was concluded that fear is an inhibitor towards goal achievement and on the other hand, happy moments and anger makes individuals to be motivated towards achievement or overcoming the scenarios that are presented. The findings of this research are important in determining how one can influence success to individuals by presenting the right stimuli. The main question was to determine whether fearful individuals were pessimistic and whether angry individuals were optimistic in overcoming the problems at hand.
Lerner & Keltner (2001). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. America: American Psychological...
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