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An Annotated Bibliography and Primary Research on the Effects of the Pandemic in Education

Coursework Instructions:

Read: The Research Interview and Survey
As you read this, you should be beginning to plan and layout a formal interview or survey. This is not where you call up your dad, ask him some questions, and jot down a couple of notes. This is not texting your friends two quick survey questions. The purpose of primary research like this is to formulate powerful data and provide evidence YOU CANNOT find through secondary research.
Note: It's up to you to plan and execute your primary research project (Survey/Interview). Your results are due in one week.
Need to do: Annotated Bibliography and Primary Research Results with at least seven sources WITH source evaluations (using the source evaluation rubric). Remember, the annotated bibliography is not busywork. It's the beginning of your draft. Instead of summarizing a source and writing about how you're going to use it, instead just start pulling out data, quotations, and paraphrasing things you are going to use in your essay.
In the same document, include your primary research results (survey/interview), using the survey report and/or interview report front page from the primary research document. What I want to see are the ways in which you are going to deliver your results in your essay, and a reflection on those results. So, for example, decide if there is an effective visual way to show your results in something like a graph. Start to turn your results into sentences. "Seventeen people out of forty people claimed to..."
If you have done an interview or interviews, start to transcribe the quotations you are going to use and paraphrase/summarize the parts you would like to include.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

An Annotated Bibliography and Primary Research
on the Effects of the Pandemic in Education
May 2021
This paper is focused on the research procedures concerning the effects of the pandemic with a back up of literary sources to provide an accurate data and information. I have provided the problems and dilemma on the COVID 19 situation and how it is affecting our community with the aid of primary and secondary sources. Surveys, questionnaires and interviews have been distributed to collate information and to arrive at a specific outcome. The goal is to provide remedies that will help the community to survive this pandemic.
Our community is our greatest gift since this is where we work, play and grow up to become the individuals that we are supposed to be. We are connected with one another and we have take such a huge blow due to this pandemic. The record and numbers of the infected and deceased have grown beyond what we could imagine (Katz-Petted L., 2021). We are all experiencing the negative effects of this Pandemic but not equally. Some are affected financially, some mentally, while some have lost loved ones and are losing more to this virus. The goal of this paper is to give an accurate result as to the effects of the pandemic on the community with the help of research and a thorough investigation of the data.
Mode and Strategy of Collecting Data
I have used both quantitative analysis of this research topic through the help of questionnaires, interview materials and surveys. I was able to request the help of about 100 participants in the community of Alabama to do my research and investigation. According to Gustafsson A. (2020) that businesses in the communities have been affected hence even the economy has fallen at such a staggering low rate that thousands have already lost their jobs and some business establishments have closed down. This article distributed surveys, questionnaires and made interviews of about fifty people in the community of Alabama. Out of the 100 people who answered the survey, about 60 said that Pandemic has not only affected us on a physical level but also mentally and emotionally we have been stricken depressed by this virus. A lot of people have been living in a depressed state due to the loss of job and infection or death of a family (Saladino V. and Algeri D., 2020). Whilst about 40 out of the 100 participants answered in the surveys and questionnaires that the government has not been excellent in their battle against the COVID and needs more plans, strategies and methods of intervention. The prolonged anxiety and stress have resulted to traumatic and negative perspectives of life. People have been having a hard time managing their stress and sadness. The isolation has caused such a drastic effect to our community and led to deaths by suicide and hunger. Time has stopped for the whole world as more people are infected as the days go by. Fear has also occupied the minds of the community hence some are too afraid to go out and have been stuck at home feeling more depressed. When the participants were asked what other options could be relied on to beat this virus, they answered that the Universities and the Educational Institutions ...
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