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An Engagement Strategy for Change: Body Disaffection in Young People

Coursework Instructions:

Assignment Guideline and Mapping Exercise 

Unit assessment

Total unit assessments for this unit: Coursework: 100% 4,000 words

Public engagement and Change in Sport, Health and/or Physical Activity

The assignment for this unit gives you an opportunity to respond to one of the contemporary controversies/problems of interest to you and design an intervention/porgramme designed for a specific audience of your choice.

Problem and justification:   Outline the topic – Identify a contemporary key problem/controversy in a sport/physical activity/health context connected to one of the themes explored in the unit. This should include a clear statement of the problem and critical assessment of the major claims of relevant bodies of literature. This should include a clear supporting rationale which outlines the need for an engagement strategy. Here you can also Identify 1-2 specific studies/reports which signpost the need for intervention and critically review the publication.

Intervention/Programme: This will form the second part of your assignment and can be modelled on real world engagement activities. This will involve a definition of target audience and challenges posed. Identification of the major stakeholders and identified publics. Clear description of the proposed activity with reference to supporting literature.  You will be need to articulate the specific and appropriate objectives for the engagement activities. You will be assessed on your ability to align key messages, audience and medium. The proposed engagement activity should be justifiable, relevant and effective.

You can include any additional supporting material in the appendix of the assignment.

You are expected to refer to academic literatures and key theoretical concepts/frameworks to inform your assignment. In-text references and a reference list must be provided. Detailed instructions will be provided in the assignment guide on moodle. Further assignment details will also be provided throughout the course during lectures and seminars.

Each week, you will be introduced to a range of case studies and examples to help you develop your own engagement activity. 

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Public Engagement and Change in Sport, Health and/or Physical Activity
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Public Engagement and Change in Sport, Health and/or Physical Activity
Engagement work is crucial in facilitating social change and promoting positive outcomes in areas such as sport, physical activity, and health. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of engagement work in promoting social justice, equity, and inclusivity (Giulianotti, et al., 2019). This is evident in the debates in Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) and other related fields, which stress the need for more politically engaged work and more publicness in the work of critical social science scholars. One of the key arguments in PCS is that science and technology cannot be separated from the social and political contexts in which they are produced and used (Spaaij et al., 2019). Therefore, it is essential to engage with the public and stakeholders to promote more responsible and ethical practices in science and technology (Peachey et al., 2020). This is particularly relevant in the context of sport, physical activity, and health, where the implications of scientific research and technological innovations can have significant social, cultural, and economic consequences. Moreover, there is a growing recognition of the importance of engaging with the public in social science research (Fischetti et al., 2020). This is reflected in the emergence of participatory and collaborative research approaches that involve community members and stakeholders in the research process. These approaches aim to promote more inclusive, democratic, and accountable research practices that are responsive to the needs and perspectives of the public (Zaccagni et al., 2019). As critical social science scholars of sport, it is essential to recognize the need for engagement work that goes beyond academia and engages with the public in meaningful ways (Cairney et al., 2019). This includes developing interventions and programs that address contemporary issues, such as body disaffection in young people, and promote positive social change. It also involves developing communication strategies that are accessible, engaging, and responsive to the needs and perspectives of diverse audiences (King et al., 2021). Engagement work can facilitate dialogue and collaboration between academia, industry, and civil society. By engaging with diverse stakeholders, critical social science scholars can foster more collaborative and productive relationships that can lead to more effective interventions and programs (Chiva-Bartoll et al., 2022). This can help to bridge the gap between academic research and practical applications, and promote more effective and sustainable solutions to contemporary issues in sport, physical activity, and health. One contemporary key problem in the context of sport, physical activity, and health is body disaffection in young people. This refers to the negative feelings and attitudes that young people have towards their bodies, which can lead to a range of negative outcomes such as poor mental health, disordered eating, and low levels of physical activity. The problem of body disaffection i...
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