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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
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Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Tom Peters Claims that Mistakes are not The Spice of Life

Coursework Instructions:

Discussion: In meeting with the FSI family, you will be working with the Grandmother to develop self-Compassion. Share ways you would help her to 1. Reframe to mistakes she may has made and 2. develop effective response style to response to the criticism she receives from society ( relatives, friends, case workers, etc.) REFLECTION: Dr. Terry Paulson stated that it is estimated that we make approximately 300-400 self evaluations a day. Most of us tend to major in self-critism. For the average person, 80% of their personal dialogue tend to be negative and only 20% positive. Take a day to focus on this and be aware of this. Make note of your dialogue and self-criticism. Share your experience with this activity. After identifying a mistake, take time to acknowledge your self-evaluation and ask your self two questions. 1. What can you do to rectify the problem? If any constructive action ( or apology) can fix the problem, then do it. 2. Focus on how you would handle the same situation the next time. Summarize your experience with this activity and your reactions. ( link to video: “ Optimists use Constructive Self Criticism “ from Terry Paulson. or www(dot)terrypaulson(dot)com

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Tom Peters Claims that Mistakes are not The Spice of Life
One of the common characteristics of most humans is that they are all bound to make mistakes. Every person has made an error and is still likely to commit more in the future. Tom Peters claims that mistakes are not the spice of life. Instead, they are life itself. He further suggests that failure is only a precursor to success. The only difference between individuals is how they tend to react to the mistakes they commit. For example, some individuals acknowledge and adjust accordingly, while others dwell on their faults and punish themselves (Solomon-Krakus et al., 2022).
In the context of the FSI family, it is evident that the grandmother might not have prepared herself well enough to take care of herself and her grandchildren. This was showcased when she was kicked out of the uncle’s house together with the grandchildren. It was due to a lack of preparation that led to almost ending up homeless with her grandchildren. One of the best ways to help her refrain from the mistakes she made would be by first helping her acknowledge that she had not thought about the moment when she would be kicked out. Accepting that she was wrong would help her realize she had made a mistake. This awareness will enable her to be informed of potential faults in the future.
Additionally, it would be advisable for the grandmother to look at the mistakes she made carefully. Evaluating various scenarios, such as lacking the contacts of a Child Protective Investigator in case of such an emergency, might help her acknowledge that she made the mistake of assuming she would stay at the place for long. I w...
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