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Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Extra-Terrestrial Water: Resource Prospecting, Acquisition, and Processing

Coursework Instructions:

Plagiarism Check will be performed with Turnitin
Choose ONE of the resources AND collection methods mentioned in the week 10 lecture and videos:
Find 1 reputable sources of information (5 pts):
Technology website
Journal article
Government report
All sources must be cited with MLA citation format
Format: 2 (FULL) pages, single spaced, not including references section (7.5 pts)
Must have the following sections:
Introduction (5 pts)
Write a 2 paragraph introduction describing the basics of:
Prospecting, Acquisition, and Processing process
Resource Context (5 pts)
Describe the space resource you would like to focus on
Describe why this resource is important, and why we need to go to space to get it
Describe two projects that are currently being explored to obtain this resource
Describe the equipment or apparatus used (Basic overview, name, concept science)
Potential Usage (7.5 pts)
Explain what the industrial, commercial, residential applications may be
Find an example of how the resource will be transported back to Earth
If the resource can be brought back to Earth, how much would it be worth?
Feasibility (5 pts)
State if the technology to survey, acquire, and process can be achieved within out lifetime.
If not, then why not (Cost, space, people?)
If yes, then describe the potential process
Environmental (in space and on Earth) and Social Impact (5 pts)
What potential problems may be introduced if the technology is scaled up
Provide at least 2 short-term and 2 long-term examples
What are the effects on community and individual health
Regulatory Measures (2.5 pts)
What steps are governments or private industries taking make sure this technology can be implemented
Conclusion (5 pts)
Provide a summary of what you have learned
Your thoughts on the use of this type of resource acquisition
References (2.5 pts)
Use EasyBib or some other reference service

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Course Number
Resource Prospecting, Acquisition, and Processing
Prospecting refers to the process of analyzing a territory in search of valuable resources, for example, mineral deposits, precious metals, chemical elements, and water on or below the surface of a particular environment. Therefore, prospecting outside of Earth's boundaries includes the analysis of Near Earth Asteroids(NEAs), neighbouring planets, and their respective moons to search for critical resources that would be useful to humans. Prospecting is the initial step of the geological analysis. It is a crucial precursor to future mining operations and the acquisition of necessary resources. Through prospecting, humans can obtain essential information about the basic characteristics of a possible resource such as its size, shape, location, and mineral composition of the prospect, which helps them make informed decisions and plans about the next course of action. A significant example is NASA's Perseverance rover sent to Mars in early 2020. Its primary mission is to analyze evidence of past life on the red planet and collect samples and rocks for further analysis.
Once substantial evidence of a specific resource has been obtained, the next step of the mining operation begins. This process, resource acquisition, is the process of extracting the resource from its natural state. These resources are then processed into more useful forms that humans can easily use in situ. In situ resource utilization is the combination of prospecting, acquisition, and processing resources on interplanetary missions instead of transporting the resources from Earth. This method substantially minimizes the high costs associated with extra-terrestrial explorations (Moses and Bushnell 1).
Extra-terrestrial water
The discovery of large volumes of water-ice below the Martian surface by the rover Odyssey strengthened the possibility of past or future life on the planet. A 2008 search mission by the Indian Space Research Organisation confirmed the presence of water on the moon (Gill and Firaque). Numerous other studies have confirmed the availability of water in our solar system. Suppose these studies are anything to go by. In that case, they could lead to considerable advancements in understanding and colonization of other planets in the solar system.
Water is one of the most important resources available to humanity. In the human body, water constitutes 80 percent of the body weight. It plays an extensive role in sustaining body cells and body functions. Reductions of up to 20 percent of the water in the body would lead to immediate death by dehydration.
In photosynthetic plants, water is necessary for three main functions: it helps green plants in photosynthesis, which is the process by which green plants make their food; transpiration, a process by which plants lose water into the atmosphere, thus cooling the plant and the distribution of nutrients from the soil to plant cells. For the eventual colonization of Mars by humans, water is necessary for life and the sustainability of plant-based food.
Water also helps to absorb the infra-red radiations emanating from the Sun, which protects humans from some of it...
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