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Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan (WOOP) Activity to Change a Habit

Coursework Instructions:

You will identify a habit that you have been wanting to change
You will be able to describe some of the reasons you have not been able to achieve your goal
You will apply content from the chapter's reading to evaluate the evidence you find as you complete the various components for this assignment
Complete the 5-10 minute WOOP practice
(Links to an external site.) https://woopmylife(dot)org/en/practice
, in which you identify a habit you Wish to change, the Outcome you want, an Obstacle you face, and your Plan for overcoming that obstacle. You can download your WOOP to copy into this assignment, or just rewrite it. Be sure you select a habit you feel comfortable sharing with your instructor. Note: You can change the speed with which the text appears during the WOOP activity using the slider in the upper right corner.
Turn in your responses to Parts 1, 2, and 3. Use 250 words or more and proper grammar and spelling.
Part 1: Identify your Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan. Include why you want to change this habit.
Part 2: Define at least one of the following terms in your own words (stressors, eustress, attribution, coping styles, or flow) and explain how it relates to your WOOP.
Part 3: Describe how your WOOP addresses 4 of the 5 factors of wellness. Clearly label each one in your response.
Soothe – How could improving this habit help you manage stress?
Choose – What are some thoughts and emotions you need to regulate?
Move – What is a concrete action, behavior(s), or physical activity that you can use?
Snooze – How could regulating this habit help you relax and/or sleep better?
Groove – How can change be sustained over time?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Coursework Assignment
Coursework Assignment
According to the WOOP practice done on the website, my Wish is to be a psychological expert. The best Outcome I want is to change the world around me by helping those with psychological issues tackle their mental health and live an everyday life free from any hindrances. The inner Obstacle that limits me from achieving my Wish is lacking enough patience required to be an expert. I fail to recognize that good things take time, and I have to wait patiently for the Wish to happen, provided I put in the efforts required. Most importantly, I plan to trust the process needed to achieve the Wish ("Practice — WOOP my life," n.d.). I can trust the process by working hard towards understanding all facets related to psychology and waiting patiently to attain whatever I wish.
According to Fink (2010), stressors can be conditions, agents, or events considered as init...
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