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Diana Blumberg Baumrind's Parenting Style

Coursework Instructions:

First, choose either Baumrind’s parenting styles or Ainsworth’s Attachment Theory and provide a good description of the theory. Make sure to include and describe all the components (e.g., describe all of the parenting styles or all of the attachment styles).
Choose a character from a book, movie, or TV show, Then, describe how the development of your chosen character was impacted either positively or negatively within that framework. For example, did the character you chose have a parent who displayed a particular parenting style? If so, was the effect positive or negative? Or, did the character show evidence of a particular attachment style?
The net result will be an analysis of social/emotional development of the character using one of these developmental frameworks.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Lifespan Development
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Lifespan Development
A parenting style can be defined as the different strategies parents can use in raising their kids. Several parenting styles are commonly currently used in psychology, and one is Baumrind’s parenting style, which was invented and analyzed by psychologist Diana Blumberg Baumrind. Diana realized that young children showed a clear difference in behavioral types, and each type was related to a particular parenting style. According to this theory, there are four parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian or disciplinarian, permissive or indulgent, and neglectful or uninvolved.
The first one is the authoritative parenting style. It was discovered that children usually become more competent and accomplished with higher self-esteem when their parents or guardians have higher expectations of them and communicate and respond in a friendlier manner. Parents who use the authoritative style are encouraging and understanding towards their children (Hale, 2008). They are also interested in what the kid does, and instead of using force, they try and reason out with their children.
Authoritarian is the second parenting style whereby parents are more demanding with numerous rules and offer low support in return. Children raised in such environments are likely to be very respectful and obedient but likely to have esteem issues and unhappiness ...
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