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Meta-Leadership Strategy and National Emergency Preparedness

Coursework Instructions:

After reading Meta-leadership and national emergency preparedness - Strategies to build government connectivity, do you agree with authors' grounds, reasoning, claims and recommendations? Why? Why not?

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National Emergency Preparedness
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June 14, 2022
Understanding the importance of leadership and coordination is effective in any disaster mitigating and response strategy. These skills allow for a streamlined preparation and response, transcending organizational lines, and providing adequate national emergency preparedness. However, since organizations tend to work in their respective capacities, with various goals, and with different ‘metrics’ of performance, there arises a tendency wherein information falls into what is called the ‘silo effect.’ In this article, I would like to provide my insight into the discussion of Marcus et al. (2019) on the use of a meta-leadership strategy that could address these problems.
Problems of Coordination
After reading Marcus et al.’s (2019) article, I realized his point is not only based on the data they presented but also on the real-life scenario. In their article, the authors noted that leaders in any disaster or national emergency preparedness program in an ideal scenario should have “perceptive coordination and communication amongst diverse agencies and sectors.” This reflects the reality of these programs on the ground since response mechanisms to the aftermath (or even risk reduction programs) would require effective and quick coordination between various agencies. This includes the government, the media, healthcare providers and responders, non-profit organizations, and even the local community groups, to name a few. In other words, since these disasters would force these individuals to work together in a way that they do not do regularly, the time, quality, and quantity of this communication are crucial.
However, contrary to the ‘ideal situation, ’ leaders and their respective groups during emergencies and disasters tend to fall into a ‘silo effect’...
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