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Slavery was an Integral part of the Agricultural System

Coursework Instructions:

Take the final exam
You will review the provided primary source documents prior to answer the questions.
This exam has ten multiple choice questions, two short answer essays questions which you will respond with ONE paragraph (5-6 sentences) and ONE DBQ essay question which you will respond with at least FOUR paragraphs using the provided documents and your background knowledge. You will have a choice for the DBQ (ONLY ANSWER ONE) SLAVERY, FOUNDING DOCUMENTS OR CIVIL WAR.
The exam time limit is TWO HOURS and has ONE ATTEMPT.
If you plagiarize you will receive a ZERO. Only use the information provided and your course textbook, any other information will result in a zero for the final exam and you will be reported to HCC student plagiarism database.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
* Only the 10 quiz questions are graded – That is why it is 20/ 100
* 2 short essays not graded
* DBQ ( 4 paragraphs) not graded
Question 13
ESSAY QUESTION:  By the 1840s many northern Americans had come to see slavery as an evil, while many southerners defended the institution as a positive good. What arguments did each side marshal in support of its case?
In the South, slavery was an integral part of the Agricultural system. There was the recognition that ending slavery would hurt the region’s economy. The south was heavily reliant on cotton farming, unlike other regions. Slavery was essential to continue cotton farming a staple of the south and cotton could not be cultivated in other regions (William Harper, Memoir on Slavery, 1837). Some critics of the north highlighted that northerners were intent on imposing a system that would disadvantage southerners if slavery was abolished. The south focused on agriculture, while the north was more on commerce and industry.
Supporters of slavery also argued that the slaves were well treated compared to how the English treated their factory workers and Irish peasants (Governor George McDuffie to the South Carolina legislature, 1835). T...
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