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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Root Cause Analysis

Coursework Instructions:

Identify one quality improvement strategy to improve health. How could you apply it to your current nursing practice? How does the assimilation of quality improvement strategies enhance leadership?

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Root Cause Analysis
Health Improvement Strategy in Nursing Practice
[date] Root Cause Analysis, a strategy that initially applies to business, is a healthcare improvement strategy that looks into the system to find out the cause of the problem in a sentinel event. The sentinel event, as described by The Joint Commission (2015, 1), is the unexpected health crisis, unrelated to the patient's illness at present, which leads to either death or permanent health damage. In this case, root cause analysis is applied to look at what could have started the event. The health improvement strategy looks at the failure in the system instead of individual performances to trace where the problem has begun (Charles et al., 2016; The Joint Commission, 2015, 1).
Root cause analysis may apply retrospectively in nursing practice. Studying the previous sentinel event cases helped identify possible roots of problems in healthcare systems in the past (The Joint Commission, 2015, 2). In the same way, nurses may look at previous cases and the structure of the whole problem and apply the root cause analysis. They may also study different cases from different years to compare the development of each case ...
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