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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Curriculum and Admission process changes Health, Medicine Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

What groups are most underrepresented in your region (Houston, Texas)? -Black or African american
Develop specific curricular changes and admission processes to an undergraduate nursing program in your area that would make it more inclusive to this population- Black or African American
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Curriculum and Admission Process Changes for Undergraduate Nursing Program
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Curriculum and Admission Process Changes for Undergraduate Nursing Program
The diversity among the people living in the United States today has continued to grow, yet the medical profession’s lack of diversity remains striking by any particular measure. Evidence concerning race and ethnic disparities in health organizations mounting, and the need to address variety among healthcare workers is quite logical and straight-forward. For instance, the 2016 report on the nursing education program in Texas revealed that the black population remains underrepresented in the healthcare workforce and enrollment in the nursing profession ("Student Demographics in Professional Nursing Programs," 2016). Newly enrolled students in the program were only a pinch of the community, and the graduates were even lesser. It becomes necessary to address the curriculum to ensure that the program supports more of the black population into the system.
Creating an inclusive and conducive environment that fosters enrollment, retention, and graduation of the dive...
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