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3 pages/≈825 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 15.55

Conflict Between Ethics of Caring for Oneself and Professional Ethics

Coursework Instructions:

Module 3 - SLP
you were introduced to the concept of critical thinking, and were tasked with applying the first two steps in the process. you reinforced the concepts and steps applied, by having you again apply those early steps, but then take the process one step further.
Identify and clarify an ethical dilemma associated with the chosen topic of your course project. To achieve this, the students will be expected to gather and evaluate relevant information (e.g., peer review and credible sources). Furthermore, the students will be asked to consider alternatives for addressing the dilemma and the implications of each. Finally, the students will be expected to choose and most appropriate alternative and describe its proposed implementation.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Length: This assignment should be between 2-3 pages (500-750 words) in length, excluding references.
References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g. peer-reviewed journal articles).
Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper
Format: APA format is recommended. While APA formatting of references is not a requirement, the references need to be presented in order using a standard citation style (APA, AMA, MLA etc). When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section. See Syllabus page for more information on APA format.
Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted, assignments are expected to adhere to standards guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.
Your paper will be evaluated based on the rubric criteria.
At the bottom of this page, there is a link to a writing rubric. The rubric WILL BE USED to assess the quality of your paper and assign a grade for this assignment. Please review it carefully before you begin this assignment. Your paper will be graded on the following attributes: organization, contextual awareness, knowledge of conventions, and appropriate use of sources and evidence. The point value for each attribute and what you'll need to do in order to earn the maximum possible points on this assignment can be found in the writing rubric.
The purpose of using this rubric is to assist you in strengthening your written communication skills. As you know, this is a skill set that's essential for establishing a successful career. If you have any questions regarding the expectations as outlined in the rubric, please don't hesitate to bring them to my attention.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Ethical Dilemma in Nursing Fatigue
Institutional Affiliation:
Ethical Dilemma in Nursing Fatigue
Legal and managerial implications
Fatigue in health care is associated with serious legal and managerial implications which induce costly consequences to an organization in terms of legal fees, training and recruitment costs, employee turnout, and compensation costs. Health care management has been in dire need to change the paradigm to establish a culture of care, wellness, and safety. Compelling and clear goals start the healthcare managers along a footpath of developing a healthy future, which all people deserve which commits nurses to professional ethics regardless of the resource limitations.
Ethical Dilemma
The dilemma in nursing fatigue is a conflict between ethics of caring for oneself and professional ethics that commits nurses to saving lives no matter the situations. The dilemma results from the fact that professional ethics hold nurses accountable for the consequences of fatigue given that all the individuals in the healthcare sector as they share a common responsibility of maintaining patient safety and ensure respectable outcomes with the management (Lorenz, 2012). At the same time, everyone is entitled to a favorable working environment where he or she can rest and be entitled to payable overtime. While all nurses are entitled to rest and work for a certain period, the lack of nurses has forced them to work for long hours to uphold the professional ethics of delivering safe and effective care with positive patient outcomes. According to Garcia and Calvo (2012), a nurse has the right and professional duty to set workload limits without fearing disciplinary action from healthcare management.
Ethical implications of the dilemma
There are also significant ethical considerations that are related to fatigue among nurses. They are in terms of unpaid mandatory overtime, bias in the regulation of nurses’ work time hours, management coercion and societal advantages that accrue from the impartial sharing of available working hours and nurses assuming the risks associated with fatigue. Other ethical issues include gender-based inequities correlated with working time and management accountabilities to protect individuals within the nursing fraternity against spillover impacts of challenging work schedules (Lorenz, 2012). While nurses can resist unfavorable working environment, professional ethics and the concept of empathy to serve patients and deliver effective nursing to save lives as called upon by their professional bodies.
Competing ethical position, ethical theories, and principles
Ethical position
In many cases, nurses shift all their focus mainly on the patient relationships as they endeavor to provide solutions to medical and moral problems within healthcare settings. They do so to maintain positive relationships with their patients and protect the interest of others, including healthcare management. However, such goals are not ach...
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