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1 page/≈275 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.18

Childhood Obesity

Coursework Instructions:

Identify and clarify an ethical dilemma associated with childhood obesity , as it relates to one or more of the 5 dimensions of access to health care. Tell me how the dimension(s) relate to childhood obesity. The Five dimensions of access that influence the course of the health-seeking process is Availability, Accessibility, Affordability, Adequacy, and Acceptability. Consider alternatives for addressing the dilemma and discuss the implications of each. Choose the most appropriate alternative and describe how it can be addressed through health education. FYI ....(I thought the disparity between ethnic groups and socioeconomic status could be an ethical dilemma)

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Even though childhood obesity increases in almost all racial and ethnic groups, its occurrence tends to be higher in communities and people with lower ethnic and socioeconomic status. This is a fact evidenced throughout the globe and that has registered great complications (Bagchi, 2011). It is important to understand the influence of the disparity between ethnic groups and socioeconomic status as related to childhood obesity. This disparity also affects various dimensions of access to health care.
The gaps that exist in the ethnic groups and socioeconomic status have continually affected people from their childhood. This has been evidenced by research made on eating patterns as well as physical activity which leads to obesity. There is great implication on both ethnic and socioeconomic status in regard to access to health care. For instance in the United States, the cases of reported childhood obesity are more in African American than in whites. This is because of the existence of gap in knowledge and financial status between the two. The whites are believed to be more privileged as the standards of living for most of them are above average, unlike the African Americans. The status of ethnic groups and socioeconomic also affect accessibility of health care to this people, leading to persistence of childhood obesity within the community (Wang & Beydoun, 2007). The ignoranc...
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