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Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
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Sample Speech: Communication

Coursework Instructions:

What specifically did this speaker do well? (list 3-5 things)
What specifically can this speaker improve upon for next time? (3-5 items)
Did the speaker use a co-active, combative or expressivistic approach to persuasion (see Persuasive Theory Supplement)?
Give an example of at least 2 motivational appeals used by the speaker in the speech (needs, positive and negative motivational appeals).
Give at least 2 examples of methods of persuasion used in the speech (pathos, logos, ethos).
Were there any fallacies used? If so, list 2 and give the example from the speech.
Basic Persuasion Theory and Concepts
Definition of Persuasion: The process of changing, shaping, or reinforcing attitudes, beliefs, values, or behavior.
Three Approaches to Persuasion:
Coactive Approach—Bridges psychological distance between speaker and audience; relies on solid reasoning and strong evidence. The speaker builds rapport, identifies verbally and nonverbally with the audience, stresses benefits and consequences while encouraging the audience. (This is the approach we use in class; it is the most effective approach.)
Combative Approach—Creates a psychological distance between speaker and audience; relies on name calling, derogatory remarks, threats, insults, put-downs, guilt-trips, or force. (We do NOT use this approach in class; it is the least effective approach for long-term results.)
Expressivistic Approach—Sees all persuasion as manipulative and exploitative and NOT worthy to be studied. (This approach is naïve, self-deceptive, and irresponsible.)
Coactive strategies based on suggestions from:
Simons, H. (1986). Persuasion: Understanding, practice, and analysis. New York: Random House.
Beebe, S. & Beebe, S. (2003). Public Speaking. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Need Fulfillment and Motivational Appeals:
Need Fulfillment—We are motivated to respond to a persuasive message because it fills some need in our life. (See Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs below)
Positive Motivational Appeal—We are likely to respond to a persuasive message when the benefits of a proposal improve our quality of life and outweigh the costs.
Negative Motivational Appeal—We are likely to respond to a persuasive message if: 1) The credibility of the speaker presenting the possible negative consequences is high 2) We fear the results of not responding will threaten the safety of a loved one or 3)We believe that danger or harmful results are real and close at hand.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
Physiological Needs—need for air, food, water, rest
Safety Needs—need for security, protection, and safety
Social Needs—need to belong, feel valued (respected), feel loved and cared for
Self-Esteem Needs—need for importance, esteem and recognition from others
Self-Actualization Needs—desire to achieve highest potential, ultimate satisfaction
link for video for assignment

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Sample Speech
The speaker does well as she first begins the speech with vivid details that draw the audience’s attention. She also uses data with identifiable sources to reveal motor vehicle accidents linked to teenage driving. Additionally, using transition words like “second,” “third,” and “finally” signals, she is addressing a different cause of teenage driving-related accidents.
The speaker uses various persuasion appeals, but there was a need to make improvements. For instance, she should include more emotional appeals to appeal to the listener’s senses and emotions. Providing a testimony from those affected, such as her nephew, would also improve the speech’s persuasiveness as there is a focus on those directly affected. The speaker mentioned the audience analysis questionnaire, but she needed to provide more details such as the audience and link the research questions.
The speaker uses a co-active approach wherein building a rapport is essential to persua...
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