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Case Study
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JetBlue: Delighting Customers Through Happy Jetting. Needs, Wants, and Demands of Customers

Case Study Instructions:

Case 6: JetBlue: Delighting Customers Through Happy Jetting, pages 581-583 in course textbook
Please provide typed, two-page assignment (double-spaced) in MLA format due in-class on October 2nd. It must be the full-two pages. Provide your answer to each question below.
1) Give examples of needs, wants, and demands that JetBlue customers demonstrate, differentiating these three concepts. What are the implications of each for JetBlue’s practices?
2) Is JetBlue likely to continue being successful in building customer relationships? Why or why not?

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JetBlue: Delighting Customers through Happy Jetting
Needs, Wants, and Demands of Customers
Question 1. The needs, want, and demands, are interrelated principles in marketing yet often confusing. Each term conveys its primary objective for a keener individual. In this regard, needs will usually refer to the three primary human requirements, which are a shelter, food, and clothing. In modern society, healthcare and education could get integrated into the group. The three categories of things are requirements for survival. JetBlue airliner is keen to offer its customers an extended category of foods while in their flight. Food is offered in plenty with one customer describing snacking on these plans as an “open bar for snacks.” Even better is that the crew is walking around the plane offering snacks to the passengers. Customers claim that their frequency ensures that they never feel thirsty or hungry at any moment.
On the other hand, they want to transcend the actual needs in the sense that they are largely dependent on the respective individual. In this case, wants are the desires directed towards the particular satisfiers of needs. Satisfying human needs is a complex task because they are unlimited. This aspect implies that people will desire different commodities. In this category, the increment in the leg space that customers can enjoy can be regarded as an extension of their needs. Other airliners are aware that such an increment decreases the number of seats they can have in the plane. Consequently, this results in minimal financial returns for the firm. However, JetBlue operates from the customers’ viewpoint. Working from this angle allows them to be empathetic to the users’ wants (Felix 43). Therefore, it is not the customers who are in need of extra space but on the other hand, it improves their comfortability....
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