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Case Study
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Labor-management Agreement through Bargaining Team and Employee Representatives

Case Study Instructions:

The employees at your organization have formed a union, and the bargaining process now begins. Write a case study in which you analyze the situation. First, begin with background information about the negotiation, and make certain to address the areas below.
Identify the state where the organization is located. Is the state a right-to-work state? If yes, explain what this means. If no, explain what this means. Why are the employees deciding to unionize? What are the mandatory bargaining subjects? Other than wages and hours, what are five other terms and conditions of employment? What are permissive bargaining subjects that will be negotiated? List at least five.
Second, you need to select members of your bargaining team. You will select four supervisors who were identified in the Unit VI Lesson. Discuss why you selected each supervisor, and compare/contrast their conflict management styles. Each supervisor must have a different conflict style. Explain how each supervisor can contribute to conflict resolution strategies used during negotiation.
Third, explain the two collective bargaining strategies, and identify which one you will recommend your team to use. Explain and support your rationale.
Finally, what will you propose happens if a labor management agreement is not reached by your team and the employee representatives?
Your case study must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Your case study should present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. You must use three academically reliable sources to support your analysis.
Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, and make certain to include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.
This Sample Case Study, which was created, shows the formatting expectations for this assignment.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Union and Bargaining
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Companies should recognize the relevance of their employees and their voices in the workplace. Employees’ satisfaction is a crucial aspect of a company’s success. Companies should consider the employees’ requirements, goals, and aspirations to develop a working environment that promotes employee satisfaction. Employees in the company negotiated and agreed on their decision to request an increase in compensation and presented their request to the top management. The employees’ request for a higher salary was driven by the hard work applied towards achieving the company’s goals and objectives. The top management discussed the issue with employees, considering their demands.
Organization Location
The organization is situated in California, which is a right-to-work state. As a result, all employees are not required to join or remain as trade union members except those working in trade unions. However, employees are required to pay union charges as an employment condition. Employees are deciding to unionize to protect their general interests. Generally, associations are formed to protect employees. A union refers to a group of people who join hands for the benefits of their work environments and remuneration. A partnership can be created by unifying multiple employees and presenting them with a collective bargaining agreement (CBA). If the company fails to agree to the CBA, employees might conduct a strike or a walkout. Mandatory bargaining subjects refer to the matters that must be included in the agreement between the employer and the union (NLRB, 2022). They include wages, working conditions, and hours. Employees not represented by trade unions must negotiate the directly needed bargaining subjects such as wages, hours, and working conditions. The other five terms for employment other than wages and hours include pensions, retirement benefits, holidays and vacation time, days off, and employees’ health and safety. The permissive bargaining subjects to be negotiated include scheduling, attendance policy, company rules and policies, and employees training and development.
Bargaining Team Members
Hiring a bargaining team is a time-consuming process. I selected four supervisors with the necessary skills, experience, and ability to accomplish the bargaining task. The appointed supervisors have proven their ability to handle conflicts and understand negotiating techniques. The supervisors had multiple traits such as adequate experience, skills, and knowledge to deal effectively, willingness to participate in the negotiating procedure, and knowing how to relate well with other people. The first supervisor is Tom; he is a union member and a professional negotiator who h...
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