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Case Study Two Crypto Exchange's Yield Earning Program

Case Study Instructions:

Case Study a crypto exchange's (bitthumb) yield earning program, especially its lending and staking program (both ongoing and past ones). Make sure to cover the exchange's rules of these programs (duration, lock-up or no lock-up, APY), and the budget of these program (budget amount & who pays the budget).

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Case Study Two Crypto Exchange's Yield Earning Program
Case Study a crypto exchange's (bitthumb) yield earning program, especially its lending and staking program (both ongoing and past ones). Make sure to cover the exchange's rules of these programs (duration, lock-up or no lock-up, APY), and the budget of these program (budget amount & who pays the budget).bitthumb yield earning program
Bitthumb is a South Korean cryptocurrency exchange with a yield earning program with different features such as the lending and staking program. Staking relates to securing the network, and the users get paid in newly minted coins, while lending facilitates locking up coins and receiving interest payments. The exchange allows staking various coins, and the users can choose to stake in a pool based on the average returns (Arora, 2021). Additionally, in the lending and staking program, the users can borrow any crypto and stake using a high APY (Arora, 2021). The APY represents the annual interest on the deposit, and there is no fixed APY as this depends on the project. Since lending out digital currencies focuses on earning interest, the earning depends on the digital currency’s value and the project.
In the case of fundraising, when users stake digital assets via the exchange, they receive their stake and sometimes a vouche...
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