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Northern Coniferous Forest Group Writing Assignment

Research Paper Instructions:

1. Sustainable Forestry, Parks and Recreation
- Explain why we must create sustainable forestry and how it will provide for parks and recreation.
- Explain what is required in order to create this.
2. Mineral Sustainability
- Provide information on what mineral sustainability is currently available to us and how it has impacted the northern coniferous forest group.
- What must be done in order to sustain this and how can we aid in the production of these minerals without causing harm to the environment?
3. Sustainable Economic Policy
- Explain what current policies are set up to preserve the northern coniferous forest group.
- What can we do as a society to further these economic policies?
4. Sustainable Industrial and Business Policy
- Explain how has the industrialization and commercial businesses affect the northern coniferous forest group?
- What policies can we create in order to mitigate further pollution of the environment and how it will affect the northern coniferous forest group.
5. Tax and Revenue Policy
- Explain how has government been able to fund the northern coniferous forest group
- What new tax reform or policies can we make in order to ensure that the northern coniferous forest group will continue to grow after our generation?

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Northern Coniferous Forest Group
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Northern Coniferous Group
Coniferous forest is a kind of vegetation which majorly consists of plants that produce cones, are needle-shaped leaves and are green throughout the year. Pines, firs, spruces, redwoods, and cedars are examples of the trees that can be found in a coniferous forest (Bryan, 2015). The trees are mainly found in areas that are prone to long winters and thrive best in high precipitation.
In most cases, coniferous forests are found in the mountains and have rivers and lakes, flowing through sections of the forest (Nakashizuka, Shimazaki. et al., 2016). The vegetation cover beneath the trees in these forests are mainly mosses, liverworts, and lichens. The soil found in these forests is acidic and mainly contains fungi, and they have low mineral content, and it is rare to get earthworms in this soil.
Coniferous forests are known to have low temperatures, and they provide a suitable habitat for the cold-blooded vertebrates such as snakes and frogs. Mammals such as bats, squirrels, reindeers, and wolves are also found in these forests. Additionally, the forests are common habitats for a variety of insects and birds such as the woodpeckers, the hornbills, and hawks. The presence of all these animals, birds, insects, and reptiles in these forests provides a good food chain and survival for the fittest can be common here as it is with most forests (Teets, al, 2018). The Northern coniferous forest occupies the area between the tundra and extends towards Canada and the interior of Alaska (Fornwalt, Rocca, et al., 2017). It is also known as the biome, and a warmer climate characterizes it compared to other coniferous forests and the growing season is longer.
Sustainable forestry, parks, and recreation
Sustainable forestry refers to the balance that exists between the cutting down of trees and the regeneration of the same. The demand for tree products in the world is high, but the natural benefits of the trees are more important. Therefore, the health and the longevity of a forest is vital for the survival of human beings and animals on earth. Trees provide a balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen by absorbing carbon dioxide from the earth and releasing oxygen that aids in the survival of human beings and animals on the planet. Sustainable forestry is important as it conserves the natural habitat of the wild animals at the same time providing raw materials for use in industries such as the paper industry, pulp, and wood as a source of energy.
In order to achieve sustainable forestry, we must adhere to the tenets of sustainable forestry. In this case, we need to set up policies to set up protected areas to ensure that the cutting down of trees is limited in certain areas to ensure that the trees and wild animals are protected. Additionally, sustainable forestry can be achieved by reducing the risk of fires in the forest, protecting endangered tree species from deforestation, and providing information about the importance of forests to the communities that live near forests (Higgins, Waring, et al., 2015). It can also be achieved by managing the forest activities by controlling the number of times loggi...
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