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Marketing Mix Business & Marketing Research Paper Essay

Research Paper Instructions:

The marketing mix is used within the implementation of the marketing strategy. Please select one of the industries listed below, and search for information about the marketing mix used by at least two companies in your selected industry:
soft drink,
fast food/restaurant,
cell phone provider,
airline, or
Provide an example of the four areas of the marketing mix—product, price, placement, and promotion—used by each of your selected companies.
Discuss where their marketing mix strategies are similar and where they are different. Explain why.
Identify the product positioning and brand strategy used by your two chosen companies. Relate the importance of product positioning to their brand strategy.
Also, consider the element of ethical promotion and social responsibility toward consumers.
In addition to company websites, http://www(dot)ibisworld(dot)com/ and http://www(dot)mergent(dot)com/ are excellent resources to find information about markets and individual companies.
Your research project must include an introduction. You must also reference at least one journal article from the CSU Online Library and two articles from business-related or news websites; therefore, your essay should be supported by at least three sources. Your research project must be at least four pages in length and double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Use APA style guidelines for formatting. An abstract is not required.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
The Secret Behind the Success of Toyota and Ford
Marketing Mix
The Toyota Motor Corporation and Ford Motor Company are among the leading companies in the automobile industry. The success of these two companies is attributed largely to their marketing mix strategies specifically in terms of product, price, placement and promotion. This paper therefore focuses on these marketing mix strategies, product positioning, brand strategy, and ethical promotion and how they all contribute to the overall success of these two companies.
Toyota Motor Corporation has a marketing mix that that seeks to meet the various needs of the company’s diverse target market. The product line of the company includes the most popular Toyota automobiles, the luxurious Lexus automobiles, marine products, engines, Welcab series, which are automobiles for the disabled and the elderly, and spare parts and accessories. Through their product mix, the company is able to reach a wider market. In placement or distribution mix, the company distributes its products mainly through dealerships where most transactions take place. The distribution strategy also includes the use of retailers who sell the company products in their stores. Toyota’s promotional mix involves the use of personal selling where sales personnel are used in the dealerships. Advertising is also done using various media such as newspapers, websites and the TV (Rowland, 2017). Public relations for instance the Toyota Together Green program are used to promote the company products by helping it create a positive image for its brand. Other promotion strategies are sales promotion and direct selling. On pricing, the model, product type and product line determine the prices for Toyota products. The company uses market-oriented pricing and value-based pricing where prices are set based on market conditions and actual product value respectively.
Ford’s marketing mix equally helps the company to meet the needs of its target customers. This company generally provides customers with products of different varieties. The product line includes automobiles for example the common sedans, tractors, and financial services through the Ford Motor Credit Company. It also deals in trucks, vehicle leasing, buses and automotive parts. In placement or distribution, Ford uses different venues to sell its products. Distribution is mainly done through dealerships, and sometimes through Ford Parts website, auto parts stores and the Ford Motor Credit Company (Ferguson, 2017). The main promotional tactic used in Ford Motor Company is advertising where television and online media are prominently used to advertise products. When it comes to pricing, the market determines the variations in prices. Using the market-oriented pricing strategy, Ford’s prices are usually set according to the conditions of the market, which may include demand, supply, consumer perceptions or competition. Another pricing strategy is the premium pricing strategy whereby some products are sold at higher prices. Ford is able to secure different market segments through its varying pricing strategies.
There are some similarities and differences in the marketing mix of Toyota and Ford companies....
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