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Movie Review
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Movie Review Leviathan (2014) Director: Andrey Zvyagintsev

Movie Review Instructions:

Answer the following questions in the movie review:
How does Zvyagintsev diagnose the condition of Russian society today? Does the story he tells have a universal value? What about it makes it universal?
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LEVIATHAN (2014) DIRECTOR: Andrey Zvyagintsev
Zvyagintsev diagnoses the situation of the Russian society today by creating the movie characters that express the behavior that people are showing today. A good example is the case of corruption which is evident in most sectors in Russia. Koyla is arrested for shouting at a corrupt police officer and, therefore, this is an indication of the manner in which the corrupt go unpunished. Instead, the impact is felt by the innocent people who try to condemn the acts of the corrupt individuals. As well, Zvyagintsev shows the greed that is evident in today's society. People have developed an altitude for the love of money, and this is shown by the mayor character who tries everything to construct a telecommunication mast on Koyla's land regardless of the fact that Koyla's house is still standing on that land.
This story told by Zvyagintsev brings a universal value because the acts of corruption and greed for material things are not only evident in Russia but the whole world. Therefore, it acts as an enlightening tool of teaching people the fact that such sinful acts occur and it is time for the authorities to work their level best into addressing the issue of corruption and greed ...
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