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Source Evaluation on “Black Lives Matter and The Call for Death Penalty Abolition” by Cholbi and Madva

Essay Instructions:

For this essay, you will select one of the sources you have found through your preliminary research about your research topic. Which source you choose is up to you; however, it should be substantial enough that you will be able to talk about it at length, and intricate enough that it will keep you (and your reader) interested.
In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone.
The introduction of this paper will involve introducing the source: Provide the author, the title, and the context (where you found the source, where it was originally published, who sponsored it, etc.)
You will then go on to evaluate the source on two levels:
Credibility: Using the information in this unit as a guide, evaluate the source’s authenticity and reliability. Look at all the information that you can find about the source to establish the author’s (or sponsor’s) trustworthiness.
Usefulness: Using a combination of summary and analysis, examine the source on a critical level. Determine what the source’s purpose (thesis) is, and how it arrives at that goal. Examine its value to you and the project you are working on. How will it help you prove your own points? How might it come in handy to back up a claim (or address a counter-claim)?
Finally, you will include a conclusion which shows your final assessments on both counts.
What types of questions did you ask yourself when evaluating the credibility and usefulness of your source? (2-3 sentences)
How do you feel this evaluation practice will help you as you continue to move through the research process? (2-3 sentences)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Source Evaluation on “Black Lives Matter and The Call for Death Penalty Abolition” by Cholbi and Madva
My research paper is on the ethical reasons why the death penalty should be abolished since it is irreversible, ineffective, and mistakes also occur frequently during convictions. The death penalty is still used, but there is a lack of sufficient evidence that it is effective. During my research, I will rely on the source “Black Lives Matter and The Call for Death Penalty Abolition” by Cholbi and Madva. I found the peer-reviewed source on google scholar, and the University of Chicago Press published it
The study is credible since it is based on information from a wide array of established researchers to support the view that the death penalty should be stripped. The data is many from respondents who are directly affected by racial bias and others issued. The source provides new insights about the errors being made during judgment, which makes the death penalty disadvantageous to some populations. The author writes that “however when the maximum possible sentence was death, participants became simultaneously less likely to convict whites
(55.1%) and more likely to convict blacks (80%)” (Cholbi & Madva, 2018). The author is not biased and provides information about how black communities are suffering due to distributive injustices regarding capital punishment. Their personal opinions have not affected how they have interpreted the issue, and they have also provided data about supporters of the death penalty. They reveal how a large number of blacks are incarcerated or on death row. The source is also relevant since it focuses on an ethical issue in the criminal justice field, and the information is from authors who have the authority to write about the topic since they are scholars. The source is current, and it focuses on current issues such as racial discrimination and biases in regards to sentencing and capital trails. For instance, it details the importance of the abolitionist perspective that is health by the Black Lives Matter movement, whereby black defendants have a higher chance of being executed in comparison to people of other races. Furthermore, the researchers also depend on sources that were published within the past ten years, and the data is current and applies to probes affecting society today. The reference sources can be located online and are also not biased or are balanced. The sources used by the author also provide more information to support what the authors are writing. The publisher of the article s also credible since it is a reputabl...
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