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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
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Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 15.55

An Organization that Focuses on the Ends of their Action: Life-Changing Outcomes

Coursework Instructions:


  • APA citation: in-text and Works Cited
  • At least two peer-reviewed sources, the textbook counts as one
  • Each group member contributes to the Wiki (group paper)
  • Each group member writes a peer review: what worked, who did and did not, and why you succeeded or didn’t.
  • Due week 9, March 26th, 11:59pm



The objective of each group is to write a coherent and focused report about an organization, be it a profit or non-profit. Groups must use at least one theoretical idea in their argument. You can draw on any ideas that we cover, but examples could be the Behavioral paradigm or the Trait paradigm or the motivational theories. But please construct a theoretically-based argument about your organization. You are free to choose any organization as long it is cleared with me in advance. Examples would be Netflix, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Me to We, Lululemon, the Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity. Groups need not choose any of them. The choice is yours.

 The second, but no less important, objective is for people to work together in groups. It allows you to put your learning into practice. Every student must be in a group and is required to contribute to the Wiki. Every student writes an individual peer assessment of the group process. Groups have three to five people.



1) You are expected to participate with and contribute with your assigned group. This is non-negotiable. If you do not, then you will receive a 0.

2) The personal summary is due the same week of the Wiki. You are being granted time within the course to work on the Wiki. There is no excuse for lateness.

3) Late penalties are based on the course outline: 2%/day. The penalty clock runs on all days.



The rubric is based on the clarity and focus of the Wiki & the quality of your summary. You are expected to evaluate your group honestly and critically: if dysfunction exists, then explain why. If you all got along swimmingly, please explain why. 












Sharply focused & clear, consistent argument from the first paragraph to the conclusion

Zero grasp

Little grasp



Some grasp

Strong grasp

Excellent grasp


Clarity, coherence, detail of the writing


Little grasp (0)

Limited grasp (.5)

Some grasp (1)

Strong grasp (1.5)

Excellent grasp (2)


Strong, rich examples of theory & ideas to support the report’s argument

Zero grasp

Little grasp (0.5)

Limited grasp (1)

Some grasp (2)

Strong grasp   (2.5)

Excellent grasp (3)

CITATION (1) APA citation in-text and the Works Cited

Zero grasp

Little grasp: 5 or more errors (0)

Limited grasp: 4 errors (.25)

Some grasp: 3 errors (.5)

Strong grasp: 2 errors (.75)

Excellent grasp: 0-1 errors (1)


Analytical summary of team’s effectiveness and of your contributions as a member

Zero grasp

Little grasp

Limited grasp (1)

Some grasp (2)

Strong grasp (3)

Excellent grasp (4)

 NB: Citation errors include no in-text citation, improper formatting in-text and/or the works cited (author spelling, author order, alphabetical order in works cited, etc.).



Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Ethnicities and Families
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Children's rights have been the WE organization's main focus as they help children grow and develop in a friendly environment. WE movement have been founded due to the inspiring story of Iqbal Masih, who pursues the same advocacy as Craig Kielburger, one of the founders. This organization is a charity program that leads young minds and their teachers into a world where change can be found. They offer both service and educational platforms to help children, domestic and international (WE Charity, 2020). ME to WE program, another enterprise that partners with WE organization that focuses on the same goal.
Focusing on social enterprises, ME to WE is a program founded by Roxanne Joyal after experiencing the beauty of artworks in Kenya last 2010. It also constantly provisions the WE Charity in their financial factors, job empowering in WE Village, and good service towards WE Charity's activities. Their vision is to provide the idea of thinking for most people rather than prioritizing themselves. They pursue cooperation and collaboration to provide a better environment and life difference for the better good. Besides, their mission is to guide people in their everyday life through decision-making. They have also been in a partnering relationship with the WE Charity and also provide charitable events to other programs. Also, ME to WE is a self-supporting organization that empowers the world through its consumers by influencing them in their ability to decide (WE Charity, 2021).
ME to WE: The "Goal-Setting Theory" Approach
In the third chapter of Lussier & Achua (2016), they disclosed various kinds of motivational theories that focus on different motivational factors. One motivational theory that could support this organization could be the goal-setting theory that emphasizes complicated and specific goals to achieve as a motivational factor. Edwin Locke established this theory after in-depth research which led him to the concept of this theory. In this theory, objectives are as important as goals, so writing objectives should be precise and effective. Writing objectives is a process that has four criteria to achieve, and these are having a single outcome, straight-to-the-point, quantifiable, and should have a target date. In the ME to WE social enterprise, they stated that fifty percent of their incomes are donated to the WE Charity, and they are a self-sufficient organization. The other fifty percent of their made money is constantly rotating within the organization. That is why they can support the activities of th...
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