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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Status Reports on Progress Toward Goals: Substance Abuse Counselor

Coursework Instructions:

Imagine that you’ve been working with your client for six months. Together, you and your client decide it is time to assess the status of progress toward goals/outcomes. You and your client will use a Likert scale to assess progress or lack of it. Using a Likert scale will help you and your client to figure what, if anything, needs to change in the treatment plan to help her reach her goal/outcome. Periodic assessments of progress toward goal/come achievement increase the likelihood that clients reach their goals/outcomes and give you the opportunity to demonstrate your role in goal/outcome achievement.
Create a draft progress report, using the form below. Use as much space as you need in the form, save it to your computer, then post it to the discussion.
Posting a draft of the status report keeps your team informed and provides the opportunity for you to respond to questions.
Group: B
My Role: Substance Abuse Counselor

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Status Report on Progress toward Goals
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name

Status Report on Progress toward Goals
Name: Team: Assigned Role: Substance Abuse Counselor
Client Name: 
Status of Progress Toward Goal (client and worker use a Likert scale to identify status of progress)
On a scale of one to 10, with 10 being goal/outcome achieved and 1 being no progress toward goal/outcome achievement, rate progress toward goal by bolding the number that represents the status of progress:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If the rating is below 10, what will it take to get the rating to a 10? Do any activities need to be added, deleted or changed to get the rating to a 10?
To get the rating to 10, Ms. Moore needs to get a job so that she can afford her therapy and medications.
Ms. Moore disqualifies for many interviews since she gets jumpy and sometimes starts to sweat.
I need to search for cheaper medications that would help Ms. Moore to control her emotions before she secures a job.
Ms. Moore needs to increase her visits to the community support group so that she can interact with numerous people who might suggest an effective way of managing her depression.
I will help Ms. Moore practice how to act during interviews, particularly how to contain her emotions.
Ms. Moore needs to learn various ways to ensure that potential employers have confidence in her ability.
Overall, I will ensure that Ms. Moore increases her networking to get numerous potential employers and increase her chances...
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